Monday, August 24, 2009


Bill Hicks, I love the guy, have done since 92 at school when he opened my eyes to the world

My blog sucks, so I leave it to the great man

"I finally got my own TV show coming out next fall on CBS. . . . it's a half-hour weekly show that I will host, entitled "Let's Hunt and Kill Billy Ray Cyrus." So y'all be tuning in? Cool, cool. Cool, it's a fairly self-explanatory plot, uh . . . Each week we let the hounds of Hell loose and we chase that jar-head, no-talent, cracker asshole all over the globe . . . till I finally catch that fruity little ponytail of his in the back . . . and we'll be back in '95 with "Let's Hunt and Kill Michael Bolton." So. Thank you very much. I'm just trying to rid the world of all these fevered egos that are tainting our collective unconscious and making us pay a higher psychic price than we imagine. In fact, that's how I pitched it to the networks exactly, I said . . . "Uh, I'd like to do a show where I rid the world of all these fevered egos that are tainting our collective unconscious,"
and the guy at CBS said, "Will there be titty?" And I said, "Sure, I don't know, sure." Boom! A check falls in my lap and -- I'm a producer!"

"People suck and that's my contention. I can prove it on scratch paper and a pen. Give me a fucking Etch-A-Sketch, I'll do it in three minutes to prove the fact, the factorum, I'll show my work, case closed. I'm tired of this backslapping, "aren't humanity neat" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes. OK? That's all we are."

I am your herder. Kneel in front of me. . . . Everyone good? Welcome to my show. Hey, ha ha! "Moo. Moo." Coupla cows are getting arrogant out there. "Moo. Moo." Come on, Shep. Get that one cow who's leaving the pack. Arf! "Moo." Go back to the herd, moron. OK? I have this weirdest style, don't I? I . . . ha ha ha ha ha ha! "Bill, you do a little kind of joke that's kind of funny, then you start telling us you hate us and you dig a fucking hole." Where's Bill going? He's going to comedy death. Boom! He pops out of it with another joke. It's my particular style. . . . I'm ranting under the stars with my herd. "Gee Bill, are you talkin' to us?" I'm talking metaphorically about America, all right? Not y'all. I give y'all more credit. I assume that you're enjoying this, or if not at least emotionally involved, which is important. Even if it's anger. Really. It's OK, man. That's what this is all about, man. It's supposed to be a fucking catharsis, man, you know? It's supposed to be release from the fucking daily grind. I wish it worked for me. Ha ha ha! I'm killing me. Join me.

for starters

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Damn, it happened, one dream and now I am stuck with them. Zombies, they are slow, stupid and impossible but a team of scientists work out that if a zombie uprising was to happen, we would be doomed. Story is here

Now obviously this is a waste of research money, just one of those fillers bits on the news that comes about at the end, instead of the usual "dog that can ski, surf, skydive" whatever

Now i posted this on facebook and said is this why zombies are in games so much. could be the world leaders follow studies into if this existed seriously. maybe we are all about to star in our very own Left 4 dead. it's all fair, but then it struck me, movies and zombies. I have never once written a story about zombies, why would I vampires are way cooler. They can fly, according to budget, and turn to dust to save bodies being left around, thank you Buffy.

But zombies do fascinate me, why?? well imagine your dear old gran returned banging on your door, mumbling a desire for brains. It's a harsh choice, let the old dear in or the other, I won't say it, we have all seen Shaun of the Dead. Maybe that's it, in all these movies, and L4D the heroes are normal people, rarely are they marines or "super soldiers" just you and me out walking or shopping when bang, investation.

So I am in the library, researching these beasts some more, also picked up a load of books on terrorism which made the librarian very scared. I expect the CIA are waiting at my house now, too bad I never updated my address. How to outfox the "masterminds" of the USA.

Still Zombies are a thing in the news, but thinking, maybe they are real. Not in the way of walking dead (I hate the phrase undead, because everyone reading this is undead, i.e. ALIVE)

But people following like sheep, yes he found a way in. But office folk, talking about soap operas like the characters are real people and in that their best friends. I've seen it, heard it and slammed my head against the desk is disbelief. "Oh you never guess that X said, and why did Y do that to Z?"


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Blah Blah Blahs

Was at the gym this morning, TV showed what was coming up on sky. Girls Aloud "Out of Control"

erm isn't every little thing they do the result of weeks of PR planning, from a nip slip to a drunken binge that makes the front page of the Sun???

Also why have kids tv on at the gym at 6AM? are their many toddlers that go to work out, or is it the moms and dads, feeling so deprived of missing the fucking crazy stuff on those channels??

OK so last night I went to see Bruno. Last night I left thinking, what the fuck? Did I learn nothing from Borat?

Sorry I realise that 14 year old boys are screaming out, WTF, but please aside from a few observations on how fucked up we are as people (looking at you parents) does this movie serve a purpose. I mean yeah he's gay, and gay guys fuck each other up the ass. Great cheers for educating me, here I was thinking they just burnt toddlers and cute kittens to fuel the fires of the right wing. BTW right wingers, time to be clipped.

So yeah not a fan, equally disappointed that i could have bought some pick n mix going in. I hadn't bought any because I actually thought I would be laughing too much to enjoy the sugar rush

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Beginning of the End

MMMMM new home for my self-righteous issues and rantings.

Hi DB, check out this guys blog, for how a real blog should be written.

I am currently trying the manage my anger about the world around me.
-News cheering how banks are now making money again

-"Celebs" so desperate to remain in the public image they resort themselves into horrible situations, please remember people fame is not worth getting shit for.

-Talent shows being the biggest draw to a nation. Let's sit back and watch people just like me on TV. But no the real reason people watch these fucking shows is simple the ones that fall apart. The kid who was probably beaten at school (me too mate) who walks out of stage and pisses himself because they suddenly remember that 1 camera equals half the fucking nation of illiterate wankers who's idea of reading is checking out the information about today's page three model

-Governments, who are so fucked up from using spin doctors (a fancy term for PR) that they have lost sight of what they do. So much so that the "competition" suddenly looks good because simply they are not who we currently have. This point is the UK not Obama. I mean David Cameron, does he have a policy other than agreeing with every public outcry and looking as sleazy as he can?

We need a new beginning, because what we got, just isn't working. Ask the people of Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, China, USA, UK. Name a country and every one has a fucking problem

DB makes a great comment, or many on V for Vendetta. Here's my piece, the movies selling point was that Natalie Portman saved her head. Well isn't that art to it's highest calling.

Simply suggestion do not get me started on Terminator Salvation